Welcome! My name is

Kyle Sexton.

I'm a

Frontend Engineer

who creates unique experiences and SaaS tools with practical, performant, and scalable code foundations.

During my career I've used many technologies to build scalable, maintainable, and intelligible applications. I currently enjoy leveraging Nextjs, Material-UI, and AWS services for personal projects, but here is a comprehensive list of categorized tools I'm familiar with.
The following collection of web applications and projects demonstrate the journey of my web development career. Each represents a unique challenge, skill, or milestone - from responsive and intuitive interfaces to integration of modern tooling and libraries, reflecting my dedication to continuous learning and delivering high-quality solutions.
HiRopes Boulder Buddy(2023)
Beer Bulletin(2021)
Tail Wag Dog Training(2020)
Feel free to get in touch using the contact form below. Whether you have questions, feedback, or exciting new opportunities, this form is the perfect way to reach out. Let's collaborate!